Digital Bands Reports
Rocketcoil News
Rocketcoil Growth
Dec 1st, 2021
There has been a lot going on at Rocketcoil in the last quarter of 2021. Here's a bit of an insight.
CFC and Digital Bands Summer Update
Aug 9 2021
My Cash Flow Challenge was initially due at the beginning of July, was postponed for a week. Overall, it was successful.
Cashflow Challenge - [w23, w24]
May 31 - June 12.
Word of the Week - Is it going to be the Now or Never, or from Now until Forever?
Cashflow Challenge 20201 - [w21]
May 17. - May 22.
Word of The Week - Testing Waters - I went a little bit out of my comfort zone last week. Among the many calls and e-mails, I tried two things I usually don’t.
Cashflow Challenge 2021 - [w20]
May 10. - May 15.
Word of the Week - To Drop It - Last week I was learning about unlearning what I already know, and it's definitely not over yet. There are views that I have about "everything". They aren't true.
Weekly Report 2021 w19
May 03. - May 08.
Word of the Week - Essentials - We can crunch down last week to one major thing: Change of focus. For the next 2 months, it will be all about business.
Weekly Report 2021 w18
April 26. - May 01.
Word of the Week - Going Up - Last week was all about picking up the pace. With the now redeveloped vision of the project, it was much easier to decide the directions I'll be working on. At the same time, I'm getting better at communicating with clients and potential clients.
Weekly Report 2021 w16,17
April 12. - April 24.
Words of the weeks - Realignment and Redefinition. The last two weeks could be well described as a blur, the process was slow but a lot of things happened.
Into Q2 2021 - Up A Notch
April 05. - April 10.
Realignment - Last week was busy with my client work, but the time was spent on realigning both my own values and the values of the project for the next quarter.
Weekly Report w13 - Q1 2021
Word of the Week - Recollection - Previous week was dedicated to client work and gather thoughts on the last quarter. A lot has happened, a lot has been made.
Weekly Report 2021 w12
March 22. - March 27.
Word of the Week - You're Not Alone - Friday evening was a fair warning that I alone am responsible for my mental health from one side, and a friendly reminder from another, that whatever's going on, there are people around me I can rely on when things are bumpy - or just appear to be.
Weekly Report 2021 w11
March 15. - March 20.
Word of the Week: Catchup - The fallback of the week before the last one has definitely transferred. Things are looking good, though.
Weekly Report 2021 w10
March 8. - March 13.
Word of the Week: Numbers Management - I was spread too thin over too many things last week. Let’s keep going.
Weekly Report 2021 w09
March 01. - March 06., 2021
Word of the Week: Prototyping - That's what we're all about in March. Pre-prototyping, but it always starts somewhere!
Weekly Report 2021 w08
February 22. - Feb. 27. 2021
Word of the Week: Shift Gears - For the past week I'm very happy to know that some of the slight but fundamental changes happened, some of which are intangible and were in the work for some time. I can say, however, that something certainly feels different.
Weekly Report 2021 w07
Word of the Week: To Grow In - In the end, nothing is detached from anything else.
Weekly Report 2021 w06
Word of The Week: The Rest of the World. Even Band Project isn't separated from the rest of the world (in fact that's the last thing I'd want it to be). So, the week was dedicated to that.
Weekly Report 2021 w05
Word of the Week: Ebb and Flow - Let's take a look at the progression of the WotW so far: Prioritisation, Efficiency, Moderation, Ebb and Flow. High velocity, high impact start, regaining control and stepping back to check on what's going on. The entire Nature has a rhythm to it, for a reason.
Weekly Report 2021 w04
Word of the week: Moderation - Everything in moderation - including moderation, they say. Often times you realise what moderation is once you're past the point, but it's more important that it's noticed and put into practice once it's noticed. I'm sure there's more to it, but there will be plenty of opportunity to learn about that, too.