Weekly Report 2021 w08

February 22. - Feb. 27. 2021

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Word of the Week: Shift Gears - For the past week I'm very happy to know that some of the slight but fundamental changes happened, some of which are intangible and were in the work for some time. I can say, however, that something certainly feels different.

This past week I passed along the wireframes, design, and other materials that developers might need for creating the prototype. I've had further discussion with the guy excited about the project that I've mentioned in the previous updates. He's going to be great when it comes to making music for the band and for dDelta.

One of the designs for the wireframes.

One of the designs for the wireframes.


Over the following month I intend to further write down what the project is about and how we will go about it. I'll dedicate some days to looking for people to join the project to find the best possible fits. March will be thus labour intensive so I will need to keep my energy and wellbeing in check.

Among other things this week: I had super-introductionary lesson about stock trading, I had super-introductionary lesson on housing/real estate, getting back into motion...


- Listening for people is really more about their attitude towards the reality they live in, rather than the choice of their words. I'll keep that in mind when I'll be inviting people on board for the project.

- People's point of view and their actions don't need to corelate, and neither has to do with whether they're a good or a bad person (per se). In other words, you can have the best intent in mind, but if your actions to live up to this potential is lacking, you're missing out.

- The value of work really speaks for itself, when you do it with integrity. Be it when it comes to setting the price for an order, or the amount of work already put into the project.

- Velocity in progress is probably the most powerful tool to keep things moving. Some of the things I did over the week for the project didn't take much energy, but since I've invested so much of it before, these small things have a big impact.


Weekly Report 2021 w09


Weekly Report 2021 w07