Weekly Report 2021 w11
March 15. - March 20.
Word of the Week: Catchup - The fallback of the week before the last one has definitely transferred. Things are looking good, though.
This past week I was finishing the design of the stage for the prototype and transferring it into a 3D model. As I've written that I've had some catching up to do, this did definitely show, and it will show in the next week, maybe a little bit in the next one as well.
I've managed to get the time issue of the last week under control, but there's a lot of client work I wanted to take care of and I'm still working on it. I expect some of these to be nicely handled over the next two weeks.
In the last two weeks of March, I will wrap up whatever needs to be done in this phase and catch some breath. March was very intense - as was expected - and I must make sure I don't get myself into another burnout.
Another addition is that I took on coaching an amazing artist. Our agreement is that she provides some art for the project and I empower her in growth. I'm looking forward to seeing how this will impact both of us.
- It's important that even when I have a lot of things to handle, that I take time for myself, my mind, and my health.
- There's always someone who can get something from you just being available for them. Great things can happen when you're approachable.
- It's good to plan the following month to around 60% of availability, and the week to up to 80% of availability. Depending on the circumstances, things will get delayed, new things will jump in that need handling and quickly you end up with more than it's wise to take on.