We work with ambitious clients to help them address visual communication needs.

Klavdij did work for Studio Siposh on several films, mainly Motion Graphics and Graphic Design. Here is the breakdown for Beyond Home.

Studio Siposh

Beyond Home / Onkraj poljan

Poster, Thumbnails, Props

The Concept

In the film - spoiler alert! - the story revolves around the desires of two young siblings for the better life. Their father left for The Americas to bring home wealth, but it’s unknown whether or not he will ever make it back, or even attempt to. Now all that is giving young Tine and Manca hope are the few letters he has sent. In fact, the key shift in the story of the film happens with the letters.

I designed the poster with the “letters from afar” spirit in mind. Back in the day, just a single letter - if it made it across the ocean - had a whole another story with it, than just the one it started with. More likely than not it had its share of wear and tear from the journey, so I made sure that the design of the poster is not too clean. To give the poster a picturesque and positive note, I designed most of it in the bright, warm tones, as a symbol of hope that the story of the film both bears, but desperately needs. The large ship resembles the journey (beyond) and the good old reliable tree resembles the roots (home). In the waters - or depths - the two come together as a reflection.

OP_Personal_Edit- ForWebsite_smaller.jpg


Making the poster for Beyond Home (slo.: Onkraj poljan) was relatively unique challenge at Studio Siposh. The goal was to create a poster with somewhat illustrative look, which was not the norm at Studio Siposh. The purpose of the poster was to travel with the film to various festivals across the world.

Note: The poster above is a concept version. The official version is only slightly different from the one presented here.


I made a Title Sequence for the film. I wanted to keep it soft and simple, to have a sense of welcoming to it. Note: Please set the playback quality to 720 or more for true experience.


The poster had to work in various formats, including thumbnails. I developed a number of elements that could work in different ratios, at different sizes. Here are examples of 1:1 ratio (an example of use in the Soundtrack cover); and extra wide screen (Vimeo Thumbnail). On top of that, elements of the poster can be changed. We wrote different lyrics and verses in the sountrack version, compared to the poster version. The postal stamp (circles with squiggly lines) is also different.

Thumbnail for Embedded video Trailer


Thumbnail for the Soundtrack


VHS Stickers and Sleeve - Movie Set Prop

Onkraj poljan was also used as an intermediate film (film within a film), and was introduced in a few shots, via VHS tape. The stickers and a sleeve for the VHS tape and box were designed.


VHS Sleeve

The VHS sleeve had to be designed to fit the design code established with the poster, but still look like a VHS sleeve found traditionally back in the day; with the description, frames, logos and even BAR code.


The front sticker on the VHS tape featured the already seen imagery with upscaled title.

The sticker was very small, but had to be readable and not too crammed. We kept the most distinct elements

Finally, the sticker for the spine of the VHS. The goal was to still keep the most recognisable elements, but had to be laid out into exclusively horizontal manner. It only appeared for very short duration, however, we still wanted to make it convincing.


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