Weekly Report 2021 w03

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Word of the Week: Efficiency - Being efficient is for me somewhat elusive idea that only becomes apparent when looking back. Can I know what's going to be efficient before I start the endavour? Can I realise 'what is going to make this efficient?' or 'what kind of goals do I need to meet?' in order for something to be efficient. Or when to drop something, if I realise that the time invested isn't going to be fruitful.

The third week of the January was initially meant for transferring thoughts on technological matters to the written word, and to give some thought to financial matters of the project. The most interesting discovery for me was, that for both of these areas I have had a pretty solid idea on how it's going to work, but putting it into writing was definitely not straightforward. Yet again it proved, that putting things into writing is very important for them to move forward.

Aside from the main topic of the week (tech and financials), I made good progress in visualising dDelta. I used V-Roid Studio and sped up process immensely. It's not perfect, but I don't need it to be. For the time invested it's very good. It's going to help with me visualising the end result for other people.

I had a meeting with a company that produces YouTube videos that I've mentioned in the previous report. My product was well received and we made plans to move forward. The same day after the meeting, however, I received an e-mail that they decided to not collaborate with me, since they found candidates with more time. With that, my time invested into this was once again invalid - or if I use the language from the previous report - very expensive. The lesson from it, however, made it worth the while.

My favourite take away from the week is that in the end, everything leads me closer to what I want to create and fulfilling my mission in life. Every conversation, every task I take on, reminds me what I am about - having people to be free to authentically express themselves.


- Writing things down is how ideas get filtered. Some things might sound good in your head, but all the BS goes out when you write it down.
- Not everything that makes sense is good; and some things that don't make sense turn out good. With this in mind, what might make sense to me, might not make sense to you, and vice versa.
- Even the easy things can take longer than expected. I'm very decent with 3D modeling by now, and my first attempt at modeling dDelta took very long time...
- ... but optimization is around the corner. I used V-Roid Studio, and I made a good product in a single day. Things can be easy, if you drop the preconcieved stories on how things "should" be made!
- Be wary of using social media or other communication platforms that can (unknowingly) steer your mood for the day. Often times you can probably know if the conversation is going to be good or if it's becoming energy demanding. Three times past week there were instances when I could tell if the conversation is going one way or the other. Being more mindful of this is going to help me spend my energy a lot better.
- Writing these reports was one of the best ideas so far. It's remarkable how good of a combination Timeplan and reports are for the overview of the progress.


Weekly Report 2021 w04


Weekly Report 2021 w02